Daily Affirmations for Financial Abundance
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Read each sentence daily as statements that are already true for you, for at least 21 days.
@ Today and Always I choose Abundance
@ The essence of my true nature is abundance
@ Abundance is my Birthright
@ Abundance flows easily and effortlessly into my life
@ Abundance is Freedom
@ Freedom is Abundance
@ I have so much inner potential within me
@ I activate my inner potential
@ There are no limits to my potential
@ I am Successful
@ Success is a journey
@ Success is a set of goals and dreams
@ I explore limitless possibilities
@ I have many gifts to share
@ I share these gifts
@ I grow, I flourish
@ I have many skills, talents and qualities within me that attract and generate abundance

@ I am Bright
@ I am Strong
@ I am Generous
@ I am Passionate
@ I am Knowledgeable
@ I am Creative
@ I am Visionary
@ I am Resourceful
@ I am Talented
@ I open to opportunities to deepen my skills, talents and qualities
@ I am Abundant and Courageous

@ I act on my intuition
@ I follow my heart
@ My heart leads me to higher expressions of abundance
@ I release all judgements about money
@ Today I choose money
@ I know there is a limitless supply of money in the world.
@ I am in the flow of money
@ I choose this flow
@ I am in the flow of money to meet all my needs and wants
@ Money is a blessing that I choose
@ What goes around comes around
@ Money comes back to me time and time again
@ What I focus on grows
@ Today I choose abundance
And so it is. It is done.