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Here is to the Manifestation of Your Preferred Next Level
1. Goal Setting Tool
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We are always setting goals either consciously or unconsciously. This is about holding our goals more consciously so that we manifest more of the things we prefer in our life, around us.


As we know the things we like and want more of, we get clearer and can set goals around them to open up new opportunities and thresholds.


Believe in what you already know about yourself. Ensure the beliefs and affirmations you hold are positive. 


If affirmations are new to you, an affirmation is a statement about your desired outcome/result, written or said, as if it has already happened e.g. affirmations.


Try this Goal Setting Exercise: 


(1) Write down your goals as if you already have them. Be specific about location, quantity etc . And always leave room for something even better than what you have imagined by saying, "or something better" For example: 

I am grateful for my new home in Stave Island or something better.

I am grateful for my over £10k income or something better

I am grateful for my published New York bestseller book or something better


(2) Write a time frame for each goal.

For example I am grateful for my new home in Stave Island or something better now/by Month and Year

I am grateful for my £10k income or something better every month

I am grateful for my published New York bestseller book or something better by Month and Year


(3) Choose the time frame that feels achievable to you.


(4) Speak/Write your goal statements/affirmations afresh everyday and feel excited as you write them.


(5) Do this for 21 days for each set of goals and then let them go. 


(6) Acknowledge progress as things change and express gratitude.

2. Mindfulness Tool

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that helps quieten your mind and body. In order for us to engage meaningfully with our own self, we need to slow down and step away from the noise, the chaos of the day to day race.


Follow the steps in the diagram above. Breathwork is important to focus your awareness. As you practice Mindfulness, you find it easier to let go of your thoughts and simply relax. When thoughts drift into mind, you can bring your focus back to your breathing. With time, your thought stream will become less frantic.

Key point 1: When you take breaths, Breathe in deeply filling your lower abdomen and then breathe out emptying your abdomen.


Key point 2: Focus ONLY on your in breath and your out breath throughout the exercise again and again and again. It gets easier.


You slowly begin to feel tension being released from your body as you do this daily.


You also feel more energised as you get more oxygen into your body.

3. Self Care Tool
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Self Care is very different from Self Centredness.


Self Care may seem simple at first but it takes time to build a daily self care habit. In a world where being busy and self sacrificial is celebrated, taking care of yourself is an art that you have to relearn slowly and deliberately.


Be kind to yourself as you keep trying.


Check out my Self care Blog for over 50 examples of self care strategies.



4. Forgiveness Tool
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Forgiveness is a powerful tool for letting go and moving on. Many times we do not realise how effective it is for our personal mind body spirit transformation.


We may hold on to a contrasting painful memory because we think we will forget the lessons and somehow be at risk again. As we forgive, we are more willing to think differently, to know that the lessons have already been learnt and stored inside us.


Forgiveness creates the feeling of being safe again.


Forgiveness Exercise:


Think of a time when you were hurt or experienced trauma. Many experiences and memories may come up. Choose the one that stands out and still feels manageable.


Hold in your mind the memory/experience and try to remember who hurt you and what they did.



(1)  Write down these words “I forgive ...... (insert name) for.... (insert reason)”


(2) Say out loud each sentence you have written (Repeat 3 times).


(3) Who else do you need to forgive?

- Sometimes, we have to forgive our own self, a part of our ego self that got dislodged or dissociated during trauma.


Forgive yourself:

“I forgive myself for ......... (insert reason)”


Write down any other new statements & say each of them out loud x3 times.


After you have said all the forgiveness statements, say out loud:


(4) "I release all painful imprints and I let go"


(5) "I deserve inner peace and happiness always"


(6) Take a deep breath, breathe in love, hold for three counts and breathe out love into your present reality.. (Repeat three times).

Be quick to forgive knowing that holding on distracts you from fully enjoying your life now. Life gets even better

5. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
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Follow the steps above to release the emotional tension in your muscles. This particularly helps to release memories that have been stored in the body following a traumatic experience.


For instance you may exercise a lot, but still find some parts of you, e.g. your leg jerking or shaking a great deal. Or you may still have constant tension/pain in a particular area, e.g. your back. This tool is effective for releasing emotional pain embedded in the muscle. 



Daily Affirmations for Abundance and Money


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