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Emotional Mastery Mastermind

Emotional Mastery Mastermind


4 weeks:

Saturday March 27th

Sat April 3rd

Sat April 10th

Sat April 17th


5pm  - 6.30pm GMT

including Meditation 


Reiki Energy Healing Session

Check out the time in your time zone here



Layout for each 90 mins session

  • Check in (Q & A) using my SMITT template

  • Reflection & Mindset shift on current challenges

  • Guided Meditation 

  • Education, information and guidance to release inner limits using Meditation, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Embodiment approach etc

  • Reiki Energy Healing

 Are you already in?

Look out for joining details in your email.

Welcome to owning a new version of you!

You may be a parent, coach, leader, teacher, manager, entrepreneur, doctor, lawyer, artist or student. This Program is for you if you are ready to :

  • connect to the deeper joy within

  • move beyond the daily mental grind and experience more stillness

  • upscale your intuitive confidence 

  • manage contrasting emotions that overwhelm

  • expand your understanding of self 

  • have a deeper connection to your compassionate heart

  • Deepen your connection with loved ones

  • Expand your business and work networks

I will take you step by step through the process. . More about me here.

Thanks for joining me and let's do this!


More about the Mastermind:

Courage is what it takes to stand up and sit. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill.


Courage already lies within.


Emotional Mastery is about owning this courage with more ease and flow


It is about practicing with intention the release of the blocks that stop us from connecting more with our heart.

Over the next 4 weeks, you will cultivate higher Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to understand and manage your emotions and sensations for your own improved outcomes and those of your interactions with others in business and personal life.

The program is about intentional practice to cultivate emotional intelligence over the next month empowered by Bola and group feedback.

Having an intention to understand and manage our emotions, sensations and feelings is one thing, and actually cultivating the competencies that constitute emotional intelligence is another.

We all know that we may watch films, attend seminars, gatherings, events etc, but the quality of our lives really depends on the quality of the relationships we have with our own self and with those we interact with at work and at home.

What makes the difference in your work, business and home-life outcomes are:

  • How kind and loving you are with yourself

How you 

  • handle feelings such as anger, shame, blame, disappointment, grief etc

  • react to unfavourable experiences

  • show respect for self and others

  • take responsibility for yourself 

  • set your boundaries with others

  • step up, show up and shine in your creative self expression

  • interact, motivate, engage and connect with others across all levels of work and sectors of society

and many more..

It is our self awareness, social awareness, self management and relationship management that make all the difference in our work, business and personal outcomes.

As your Coach, I listen to you and help you explore key areas of challenge.


We explore the inner limits around these areas and with your intentional practice, my support and expertise, using my SMITT system, over the weeks. 


The SMITT system is based on the proven scientific methods of energy healing, mindfulness, meditation, neuroplasticity, forgiveness, cognitive behaviour therapy amongst others. 

You get to release your dominant inner limits in mind, body and spirit.


You gain a deeper understanding of the pillars of emotional intelligence as well as embed the competences of emotional intelligence with compassion and diligence. 

These competences are life changing. You have them for life. Where do you want to be in 4 weeks time?

This mastermind is for if you are ready now to cultivate emotional intelligence and learn to trust yourself to live your soul centered life.


"Bola, your voice is incredible!! Your accent is so soothing and persuasive! It is hard to imagine that you were once a stammerer! I have a brother who stammers and he is coming on your program! I looked forward to our sessions. Your wisdom, compassion, authenticity and expertise is amazing!. You know your stuff. I just want to listen to you forever! I bought your subliminal audio course, just so you know. Thank you so much for your work!!.

~E Ray, London UK  

If you do want to continue working with me after the 4 weeks, I invite you to check out my

SMITT    12 month program. 


More details below

What is "Soulspace Method in Trauma Transformation?" (SMITT)

Step 1


Learning to understand past trauma, and to release any fear that surrounds past events


Step 2

Connecting with deepest feelings and emotions, understand unhelpful conditioning , for more emotional freedom and emotional intelligence.


Step 3

Cultivate a deeper connection to your heart, higher self, listen to your aligned thoughts, bringing about a new sense of inner peace and tranquility


If you want more self acceptance, ease,  flow and intuitive leadership confidence, 

this 12 month online live video group program is for you.  

I guide you through the SMITT system process, to find and release inner limits and hold more mental, emotional clarity as well as authentic connection to your soul truth.

You cultivate a deeper heart mind connection and intuitive confidence in your business & relationships.

The SMITT Program contains:


Live Video Calls

Self & Social  


Intuitive &





Private Facebook Community

Book a chat here to learn more 

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