I know exactly how you feel....
You have read books, gone on courses, been to seminars, gone for therapy, on medication and you still have to deal with the raging thoughts, muscle tensions and racing heart beats that creep up out of no where, making you sweat every small stuff.
Now you are thinking "Enough!! Heck! How do I stop sweating the small stuff!" How do I go from being stressed all the time? How do I feel calmer inside me?"
Want me to help you stop getting stressed over the small stuff and feel more at ease in your day to day?
Well first let me congratulate you on your decision to do this course.
The world is moving online and this course is an intense intervention targeted to give you choice and flexibility in the long term.
This is about self empowerment, truly having the skills to make the changes you have literally been craving for ever!
Let's face it!
You have been dealing with this a long time and it is a miracle that you did not simply give up on managing your emotions.
Well it is about time.
So I know you have many questions.
Where do I start?
How do others seems to just respond calmly and make it look so easy?
Why is it so hard to let things go?
What exactly is the struggle inside me all about?
How long will it take me to manage my emotions and feel confident in any situation?
Is it even possible to get rid of all this freaking tension in my mind and in my body?!
Will I ever feel totally calm?
Is calm too boring?
Will I miss excitement?
Yes this will be a change.....a good change!
You want it...But you're wondering
Will it really happen this time?
Will It be too triggering?
Am I ready?
How will I manage it?
Will those around me accept a new me?
Will you get stuck?
Yes, It is confusing.. You have been at this for a long time and you may well continue if you do not shift now.
You will continue to sweat the small stuff and stay stressed!
It does not have to continue.
It is not as hard as you think.
I promise you. I also have a secret.
I have done this and I have helped many to silence the anxious fearful inner critic and have their ego driven by their calmer higher self in 3 months or less.
I have a simple but powerful step by step plan that will keep you on track and be accountable.
Would you like to have the answers to all your questions above?
Would you like to have this all simplified in a way that is easy to follow
Would you like to be guided and supported by an experienced Emotional Freedom Coach and Certified Trauma Coach for 3 months so you no longer sweat the small stuff..so you are calm and done with being run down with stress?
You really can feel calm all the time, doing all you need to get done, without feeling out of control and stressed in a badass way you can be proud of in 3 months.
"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff! From Stressed to Calm
in 3 months"
A low intensity intervention course, including training videos and a closed Facebook group with daily support, goals and accountability system for those of you who are ready to
Here's what I am willing to bet...
If you have been meaning to break free from feeling stressed and burn out for a while but haven't been able to do do yet, then ........
- You are probably experiencing confusion and a maybe even a certain amount of overwhelm.
- You might have been telling yourself this lie: "I'll cope better tomorrow".
- You have been wondering "where to start", "how to start"
- You have been thinking the environment will get better, even though it appears there is always more and more going on around you, so the stress remains, and, the coping does not happen.
Sound familiar?
Then chances are, you will still be in the same place in another 6 months or even a year....
If you are ready, this course will help you so you
"Don't sweat the small stuff! Go from Stressed to Calm"
How do I know you will succeed in this?
I know the super power of step by step well formulated education, exploration with focus and accountability.
I will be in the private Facebook page DAILY to answer your questions and support you as you go.
I have done this and I know it works!
Here's what is included
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
You may already have an idea of why you get stuck in stuck, but this is not enough to get unstuck. You will go deeper into assessing the experiences that contribute to the stress and anxiety. You begin to really understand why it is a struggle to go beyond where you are
You may already have an idea of why you get stuck in stuck, but this is not enough to get unstuck. You will go deeper into assessing the experiences that contribute to the stress and anxiety. You begin to really understand why it is a struggle to go beyond where you are
You may already have an idea of why you get stuck in stuck, but this is not enough to get unstuck. You will go deeper into assessing the experiences that contribute to the stress and anxiety. You begin to really understand why it is a struggle to go beyond where you are
You may already have an idea of why you get stuck in stuck, but this is not enough to get unstuck. You will go deeper into assessing the experiences that contribute to the stress and anxiety. You begin to really understand why it is a struggle to go beyond where you are
You may already have an idea of why you get stuck in stuck, but this is not enough to get unstuck. You will go deeper into assessing the experiences that contribute to the stress and anxiety. You begin to really understand why it is a struggle to go beyond where you are
And there's more
5 Video Trainings
As soon as you make your payment, you will receive access to the Course. This includes 5 separate video lessons which talk you through exactly each module exercises. You are fully supported in terms of WHAT TO DO and HOW TO DO IT.
Closed Facebook
You will be added to a private Facebook group, only for paying FSTC students, where you will get daily support from me, my team & the safe high vibe community. This is the place you will go to ask questions, get support and most of all where I keep you accountable. Do not underestimate the power, magic and sheer momentum that a group of ambitious individuals can create when they have a common goal, are supporting each other and pulling in the same direction!
If the Facebook group doesn’t feel like “quite enough”, (let’s face it, we all have different communication and information-processing styles, and some people may not love answers and explanations in written form), then I always add weekly Q & A live calls with me. And that means that, for 3 months, not only do you have access to me on a daily basis in the group (and I do check that group at least a couple of times a day), but you can also jump on weekly live calls with me (via Zoom) where you can ask more in depth questions and get more an immediate answer right there on the call. (And yes, the calls are also recorded and then uploaded onto your members area!).
Live Q & A's with me
If you are still reading, you are probably wondering how much this costs
£ 97
YUP! You really ARE in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time, because
"DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! Go from Stressed to Calm" is on special offer THIS WEEK ONLY, from Friday 25th Dec to Friday 1st Jan 2021.
And this week only you can enrol for just £97
instead of the usual £297!
So, if you'd like to join us, remember this offer runs out STRICTLY
at 5.00 PM UK Time (GMT) on Friday 1st Jan 2021.
Price goes back up to £297 at 5.01 PM (GMT) on Friday 1st Jan
And I take fairness seriously, so NO EXCEPTIONS.
But it gets better.
You don't even have to pay the whole £97 today.
Here's your Payment Options:
£ 97
£57 X 2
If you decide to pay in full, you will get the following:
Bonus 1: You pay less overall.
Bonus 2: You get 2 45-mins 1:1 calls with me (to be used within 30 days signing up).
Release deeply embedded Trauma imprints
Develop a daily Self care toolkit habit Reframe the Falsehoods you carry into Truths
Build your Coping Adaptive Mechanisms & Inner Resilience
Understand your own unique Neurobiology
Discover your true ego self goals
Clarify your next level goals
Increase Conscious Awareness
Connect to Your Inner Stillness
Anxiety itself is natural, as you may indeed need to attend to something that could be risky or a threat. However if you are stuck with anxiety, stressed and have read books, been to therapy, in groups and one to one and somehow get frozen in an anxious state, unable to function in your day to day, then you are in the right place.
This course, you get to do in the comfort of home at your own pace. I wanted to have something that will be effective for someone who does not necessarily want to be in a group or talk to someone face to face.
I am a Certified Trauma and Emotional Freedom Coach. I have been in the field of psychology, stress, disability and trauma for over 20 years and this course is a cumulation of what I learnt to not only deal with my own anxiety but what has worked for others.
This course helps you understand the type(s) of anxiety that you have, the impact it is having and how to begin to overcome it on a daily basis. The exercises take you through cognitive restructuring informed by neuroplasticity which address unhelpful automatic thoughts and emotions in the body.
It is a 6 module course consisting of videos, anxiety management education, exercises and meditation that you can use in your own time as well as accessing support from me, my team and our online safe community. The interventions and strategies are based on self compassion therapy, embodiment therapy and trauma informed mindfulness.
Module 1: Self assessment of Trauma and Impact
Mindful Focus
what do you tend to worry about the most?
What keeps you up at night or most of the day?
Which aspect is it: personal or business
Write down a list of all the things that bother you at the moment. start with “I worry about...”
Write against each of them whether “within my control”, or “outside my control”.
Those outside your control, write down on a separate sheet.
Go through this OUTSIDE MY CONTROL list. Say out loud for each item: “I worry about ...., but I now know it is outside my control and this is ok”
Those things within your control write down on a separate sheet.
Go through this WITHIN MY CONTROL list. Say out loud for each item: “I worry about ...., and I want to know why”
Video on being compassionate with self
Module 2 The Neuropsychology behind Trauma Impact
The past affecting the now.
Video on how the ANS is dysregulated by Trauma and how we leave our bodies in order to survive, but there is a part of us that is stuck in childhood. This is the inner child.
Draw a picture of your inner child. Just draw the image that comes to mind.
Look at the image of your inner child and write down what they are thinking about. Write down all the things that come to mind, about their life, family, friends, themselves.
What experiences do they remember having?
What words can you say to this child now that would be comforting?
guided meditation to heal your inner child.
Module 3: Radical Detachment (Release of toxic beliefs and emotions)
What beliefs do you have around these top 3 things you are anxious about.
Circle which reasons apply for you?
Core triggers and emotions
Clarity around core limiting beliefs and emotions,
- Radical Detachment
Guided meditations
Module 4: Embrace Your Authentic Self
Write a New Life Story
Mind mapping: Emotional, Health, Financial, Relationship, Spiritual
Own your New Life Story
Module 5: Living Your Authentic Life Daily
Who is the New You?
Daily Creative Flow (meditation, affirmations, self care)
itle - From Stressed to Calm
Tagline - Overcome Childhood Trauma & Embrace your Happier Authentic Self
Self study package £197
private facebook group
Self study programme with membership support:
private facebook group
monthly group Q & As
1:1 support for 3 months via email
Self study programme with membership support
private facebook group
monthly group Q & As
1 :1 support for a year via email
The journey includes:
⭐️Weekly Online 90 minutes Live Video sessions
⭐️ Private Facebook INNER CONNECT closed group
⭐️ Free Subliminal Audio sessions
⭐️ Next Level Toolkit
@ £400 (£200 per month) Group coaching
@ £1000 (£500 per month) One to one coaching
via Zoom